The registration is easy to be done and it is for free.

If you do not have already an account, click "Sign Up" on the right hand-side of your screen on Cretico’s main page.

You can create an account through your Facebook or your email.

Using Facebook:

The easiest way to create an account is to use your Facebook account.

1. Click on "Sign up with Facebook" and in the pop out window fill in your Facebook email and password ‘Log In’.

2. Click "ok" on the emerging pop up window. Cretico will not publish anything on your Facebook account.

Your Cretico account is ready!

You will also receive an email with a code in order to be able to log in also by using your email account.

Cretico will use your Facebook account details(e-mail, photo profile and name) in order to create your account.

Using email:

1. Click on "Sign up with Email", fill in the form and press "Create Account"’. All the fields in the form are obligatory.

2. Activate your account by clicking on the reference link provided in your email.

If you do not receive the activation email, please, check your spam folder or check that you have correctly typed your email address in the form.

Your Cretico account is ready! Your next step is to edit your profile and the rest account information!

Welcome in our Cretico Family!

We would be happy to help you and answer to your questions, so please, contact us at